Mittwoch, 8. November 2017

In view of upsurge in crypto opportunities


I thought I would post a friends warning to me, I could not have put it better myself!

Bitcoin is a scam artist's dream come true!

Why? Because payments are virtually anonymous, non-reversible, and it's easy to run of with the money without being caught!

I've been buying bitcoin and been a fan for almost 3 years now, but over this past 6 months or so I have seen a new development - the emergence of a constant stream of dubious "Bitcoin earning" opportunities.

Most of these fall into one of three categories:

1. The Ponzi scheme, where you are promised 1% to 5% or more daily on your money - backed up by claims of Bitcoin "mining" or "trading". But, there's never any proof or evidence - they just want your money and want you to recruit other people into the scam and then they vanish.

2. The Pyramid scheme, where you join something promising outrageous returns, like 20 bitcoins within a month, or 50 bitcoins every cycle - which is sometimes disguised as "crowd funding" (code for old-style gifting plans). These schemes don't pretend to have any source of valid Bitcoin "income generation" and are just illegal money games.

3. The In-Your-Face Scam, where you are asked to deposit X amount of Bitcoin and see it double or triple within a day or two - without any attempt to explain or justify the "how".

Now, to tell you the truth, these scams, whilst promoted by criminals or people who really are just following what their "guru" tells them to do are sort of doing me a favour. Why? Because in a rather nefarious way they actually get people into Bitcoin as this is usually the method of payment/entry.

That in turn is creating more demand for bitcoin which carries on pushing up the price. Which is great news for anyone else who is simply looking at Bitcoin as an investment opportunity like buying gold, wine or classic cars.

And when the scam fails (as they ALWAYS do) the victim in question is at least left with an increased knowledge about Bitcoin and how to use it - and more importantly, become aware of the fact that if they had simply bought and hold, they would have made money rather than lost it.

So are there any genuine Bitcoin earning opportunities out there?

I have looked far and wide and checked out each and every new opportunity that promises Bitcoin "riches" - and I have to say "not to my knowledge". I do not see a single bitcoin "earning opportunity" that is 100% provable (and I don't just mean "by my sponsor is making money" which is NO proof at all).

So what's the point of this email? Simply to help you spot the scams and keep your money safe in your pocket.

I am really fed up with the lies being pumped by people who are flat out criminals or just greedy and should know better. If this offends you then perhaps you are one of them? If so, I would really appreciate you unsubscribing from my mailing list. Thanks.

In summary, if anyone emails you or contacts you on Facebook to offer you daily, weekly or monthly guaranteed returns through bitcoin trading, RUN for the hills or at least ask for PROOF of the trading. If they really can magically multiply your bitcoin then this is something humanity needs to know to solve the world's humanitarian crises. If they were genuinely making bitcoin through genuine trading then there would be plenty of proof and they would want to shout it out.

By the way, if you find an opportunity that you feel does give you genuine proof feel free to share it with me. I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I'm simply saying I've yet to see it and all the ones I have seen so far are scams designed to tempt you away from your money.

I'm always happy to be proven wrong. But so far I've not seen nearly no single genuine bitcoin "earning" opportunity out there.

All the best and stay safe!

Paul Hardingham

I have been using Bitclub Network to mine bitcoin for 2 years and have made a total of 16 Bitcoin with a Founder Position without Recruiting!

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